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/raid/ - Raids

Board for raiding and archiving raids
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Please rename this board to /i/ cuz it's oldtroon gemerald that Sqqt was unaware of when creating the Shitty's /raid/.

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Welcome to /raid/! Unlike shitty's /raid/, this one will actually be used for raiding and not doxing literal whos. This board will also serve as archive for all gemmy affy raids and all gemmy raids to come (primarily 4chan, sharty and other altchan raids)

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Check this out:

https://archiveofsins.com/i/thread/756942/#777777 (notice that we stole a significant GET here.)

It's been almost one year and spanned three different threads, one of which got JANOOMED upon someone foolishly linking the thread on the 4chan Happenings Thread (proof in second image.)

Evidence that janooms (even the butthurt ones) will let the thread stay up for months in the third image.


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Forgot to link the current active fucking thread like the autist I am.


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>cloudflare is pointless to report to, they at best forward your reports to the upstream, and i doubt their upstream cares very much

Cloudlfare is based in california where doxxing is illegal: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN&sectionNum=653.2.

Their upstream might be based in a location where its illegal, so it could be usefull to find out.

The same argument used to drop kiwifarms would apply to the sharty, but My guess is cloudflare wont drop it unless the soiteens do something very stupid that attracts bad attention (like with the keffals thing).


Namecheap is based in arizona where doxxing is illegal: https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/02916.htm
Doxxing and /raid/ was why they got dropped by namecheap twice.

The raid board is back up at
(thobeit technically it redirects to https://soyak.party/raid/catalog.html )

We can also search through their posts on the raid board: https://soyjak.party/search.php

They have also archived a lot of their raids (including doxes) on https://soyjak.party/chive/catalog.html

All this is usefull for a report


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no shit nigger, however, cloudflare is an "Internet service provider", think of them like a switchboard in the phone system, they are not tied to california doxing law because they are just a part of the connection scheme, they host no content, only act as a transmission entity. Section USC 230 grants them immunity from responsibility IF they only TRANSMIT the data but do NOT maintain it, since cloudflare is a CDN, they do not HOST the doxeralds, and as such are not responsible for them, and it is outside their purview. the only thing they do is pass up a report to the upstream, which, likely, allows doxeralds and does not care. similar to this is how websites themselves are not responsible for what is posted, all content is owned by the poster, the only duty of the administrator is to remove law breaking content in the country of which it is hosted.

If some crazy shit got posted on facebook, it's the person who posted it's fault, not facebook's fault. I hope this summarizes it for you nigger


section 230 only applies to civil liability, not criminal, and the cali law is about crimes
but you might be right otherwise



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marginally funny raid desu
is averi allowed on this site?


yes albeit on >>>/qa/


On >>>/qa/ sure but not here.
Sorry but this is IAS only board
Read >>1766


stop ruining the humor threads
im trying to laugh


This thread will now be moved to
>>>/raid/, which will serve as archive for gemmy raid threads, not for doxing literal whos like on shitty. Btw if you are wondering how board with no actual posts has more than 1k posts thank quote for that

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