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/soy/ - Soyjaks

Organic soy culture preservation board
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It's over. The end. After 1 year and 1 month of it's existence, I have to say we have hit dead end. Soysphere is slowly collapsing. I know practically no one outside affy liked us, but I know I am 100% right shen I say that same fate is awaiting your community; yesterday it was jarty, today it's us, and tommorow it will be whatever your soy community is. Sharty has been completely flooded by literal middle schoolers who found about site on tiktok, this is evident by not even baiters/detractors wanting to touch that site anymore. Most old shemmy posters have moved on, and as much as I don't want to say it because I believed site had a lot of potential, it's also dead, considering only new posters it's now going to get are those same nuteens who got banned on sharty and sharty baiters. In conclusion, most people that aren't doll or froot era newfags have moved on with their lives by this point, so I think it's our time to do the same, and perhaps find greener pastures. You sometimes may find me soyposting on 4chan, birthplace of jakking, only place where soyposting is still fun in 2024 because there will always be retards who will get offended by bald man with glasses drawing.
God bless.

Edit: site (which no one even uses anyways) will be up until domain expires and I will regularly check on it to make sure no 'p or anything other illegal gets posted.
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Marge what even happened
Also i thought i was only person still checking in October kek

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Happy affy's first birthday! Created amidst the soypocalypse chaos it has grown to be largest soycord of it's time and arguably largest soycord ever, larger than qafe ever. Though it is disputed if it's largest ever, it is undoubtedly longest lasting one, lasting exactly 365 days as of 18th Aug without ever rebranding or going underground (going to troongram doesn't count since group is public)
Perhaps I will edit this post tommorow but this is all I have to say for now
And don't forget: Affy will rise again!
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fuck off csk zoosadist niggers

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Edit: disregard all of this below, just post whatever tf you want, as long as it is not illegal and/or pedophilic, I don't plan on shilling this anymore anywhere and site is just going to shut down once domain expires however in meanwhile until that happens everyone is welcome to post about whatever they want as long as it is, I repeat, not illegal and/or pedophilic.

Welcome to afterparty.soy! Purpose of this board is to attempt to preserve old soy culture the way it was in 2020 as much as possible, though at the cost of being doomed to have low PPH and small userbase. You may know afterparty as 'cord server however afterparty as of month of August is no longer associating itself with any discord server. We still have telegram group but it is not used for anything secretive that is not for regular eyes and unlike discord everyone can see what's going on there without even joining. There is still small discord server with afterparty in it's name however it is not affiliated with us in any way, shape or form.

TLDR: affy is no longer cord

>meme arrow so I don't self insert
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>TLDR: affy is no longer cord

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>i challenge you to onions duel
10 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>>>>>>>can we start another duel?


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>>>>>>>>can we start another duel?


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>>>>>>>>>can we start another duel?


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>>>>>>>>>>can we start another duel?


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>>>>>>>>>>>can we start another duel?

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is "nivero" an real affy person


We had person named nivero in July if I can recall correctly.

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affy = dead


Das rite.

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when time machines are invented please go back in time and undo the frootcord leaks it did so much more damage than good and none of that damage was actually towards frootcord


It could have gone a lot worse for frootcord if leno or kuz (though idk if kuz actually ever could do anything or if he was just full of shit and couldn't even do anything at all) went a step further, but now in retrospect I see why he decided not to, I guess he did what was best for him though idk why he returned domains when he (apparently) wasn't even threatened. All in all I don't care anymore, I have other things to care about and band kid soy site drama isn't one of them.

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I am chopping off my penis if kamala wins

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shit site
'naya won

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Why is this place mostly dead? It has potential guess it doesn't have the right people

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